i have one...today.... and i wrote a song... inspired by Hank Green of the Vlogbrothers
the day that you died was a good day, some special people wished you on your way,
goodbye nineteen year old Kate, today is your birthday since you decided to show up two weeks late. You did some things that were pretty great, but lets forget about that pin you ate.
you decided what you want with your life, even if that ballgown caused you some strife
ooh goodbye nineteen year old Kate, today is your birthday since you decided to show up two weeks late
you watched some campers go from campers to staff, and your summer was filled with things that make you stop and laugh
ooh goodbye nineteen year old Kate, today is your birthday since you decided to show up two weeks late
but now you are two decades old, there are somethings that just can't be controlled so goodbye nineteen year old Kate, today is your birthday, since you decided to show up two weeks late
way to go your twenty years old....holy crap im twenty years old...
its not very good...and i attempted to put it to music... but i kind of sucked at that....