26 February 2009

i am

no longer as happy as i could or should be...

16 February 2009

50 books by

January 31st 2009?

heck yes... ive started a list in my note book... but will keep you updated

1. An Abundance of Kathrines- John Green 3rd jan.- 4th jan 227 pages

2. Sabriel- Garth Nix 1oth jan.- 15th jan. 491 pages

3. Lirael- Garth Nix 16th jan- 20th jan. 785 pages

4. Abhorsen- Garth Nix 21st jan- 26th jan- 578 pages

5. Frankenstein- Mary Shelly 27th jan- 5th feb 170 pages

6. The Laramie Project- Moises Kaufman 9th feb-10th feb 101 pages(first of multiple readings, only to appear on this list once though)

7. Ten Great Mysteries- Edgar Allen Poe 12th feb-

i got the idea from the vlogbrothers website....

nerdfighters FTW!!

12 February 2009

so long....

Winston ChurchGill you were pretty awesome, even for a goldfish

09 February 2009

05 February 2009

this is how...

i feel currently

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals


04 February 2009

i wish

i could be friends with all of the youtube ukulele players... they look like fun...

my uke still isnt here yet.... neither is my textiles swatch book... but when i lasted checked it was in reading.... its just not in my mailbox...gorramn it....

02 February 2009


so today i figured out how to do a little bit of stop motion animation on my computer today... i did this in imovieHD but cant for the life of me import the whole thing into my other version of imovie... it only transfers about three frames... grrr but here is what i did today in a fit of boredom

there will be one later in the week with a special guest...when said guest arrives