09 September 2009


i like days like this a whole lot...

as well as tomato soup, and getting to handle and be around dresses that are worth more than my life....

what i dont like is shoes with holes in the soles that make my feet soggy

02 September 2009

look a post!

Hey look....im blogging....again!


so um yeah. camp has come and gone yet again.... to fast for my liking...

the ukulele playing is progressing, i played along with two guitars for the thursday night campfires every week... ummm

back at school.... moved in to the house that im living in with some friends...as of the moment all of those friends are all male.... there will be another girl moving in when she gets back from her internship...in january...shes the one that owns the house.

umm yeah this semester is looking really really awesome! lots of neat stuff to keep you updated on! i promise...if not i give you full licesnce to hunt me down and kick me about the knees, shins and ankles!