So this year....This years ballgown is an 1870's Era (the early bustle period), it began with research like usual...and ended up being inspired by the blue gown that Claudia wears in "Interview With The Vampire"
it doesnt show the colour all that well... but I knew I wanted rusching, neckline detail and blue.....
so I did a sketch...and got to looking for fabric....and as things go..I couldnt find any fabric in the colour that I i ended up buying a dark teally blue iridescent taffeta that I fell in love with( I had originally wanted to stay away from teal...but I love it and it looks real good with red hair) and as an accent colour I got a taupe-y brassy shot with black taffeta....for the neckline decoration I got a selection of beaded appliques. Again as with any design project, I did a complete redesign before I started construction, because I got inspired by an antique family photo album inherited from my Great Grandmother(i'll scan in the photos in question another day....I promise)
It took about three weeks of work, for several hours aday, but I was still sewing the day of the Ball and finished it litterally about an hour before the Ball, because I am just that awesome.... needless to say all of the work paid off because I got a whole lot of compliments, and according to my professor it was the most popular dress there(not to sound to conceded here)
But anyway enough of my babbling and onward to the pictures: