h'anyway yesterday saw the arrival of a package of awesome from my friend Mini from deutschland!!! i sent her some peanut butter m&ms, twizzlers and little things of my making and in return she sent me some AWESOOME german candy.....behold!
the whole lot of it
and individual shots of it all
a wee butterfly purse with a euro cent inside, she told me its for luck
HIPPOS!!! chocolate ones at that! omg i love these a whole lot
kinder egg!
assorted gummi snacks
you put this stuff in water so im told and it makes it fizzy.... but im unclear, if you have anylight to shed on this let me know...
edible paperstuffs
wafter filled with stuff
chocolate(it has since been nommed)
und das ist dass! it made me really happy to get everything! i was jumping up and down in the street yesterday! so thank you bunches Mini!
ummm i got some new face products to try
new st. ives face wash
and physicians formula tinted moisturizer
i just smelled it and it smells like a health food store! i love it!!
they both have not been tested on animals, which is a plus!
i'll let you know what i think of them when i start using them. im guessing this will be a meshing of everyday life, make up and other beauty product reviews and pictures, crafty stuff, fashion/ costume stuff...whatever i put here...you will read....
kate mcg is out y'all
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