08 September 2010

Dear Orpheus,

I'm sorry.

I don't know what came over me.

I was afraid.

I'm not worthy of you. But I still love you, I think.

Don't try to find me again. You would be lonely for music. I want you to be happy. I want you to marry again. I am going to write out instructions for your next wife.

To My Husband's Next Wife

Be gentle.

Be sure to comb his hair when it is wet.

Do not fail to notice that his face flushes pink like a bride's when you kiss him.

Give him lots to eat.

He forgets to eat and he gets cranky.

When he's sad, kiss his forehead and I will thank you.

Because he is a young prince, and his robes are too heavy for him.

His crown falls down around his ears.

I'll give this letter to a worm. I hope he finds you.

Love Eurydice.

(Sarah Ruhl, Eurydice)

23 July 2010


A Death in the family can make you think about life....Which in turn can make you think about death, and just how short life really is, and how you need to make the most out of the time you have with the people around you, because you never know how long you have with a person or persons.

Nothing can ever make sense out of a situation in which a loved one dies, as much as we want it to, it just cannot be rationalized. Some one you loved has been taken out of your life, and nothing about that makes sense , so there is no use trying to understand it.

You have to keep on living, you have all of the memories with you in your mind, in pictures, and objects associated with the dearly departed, and even though they are a poor substitute, in a way they help keep them alive just that much longer

The worst part is having been unable to say goodbye.

Poppy, I love you and I'll miss you.

14 July 2010


and its safe to say, i missed the rain

05 July 2010


not so much fun when you spend roughly 8 hours in them

and i did just that last night/ this morning

to entertain myself i:
played ipod solitare for a good 45ish minutes....and lost every time
re-read the USF program
reorganized my carry on luggage
wrote and mailed some postcards
lost a dollar in the slot machines
played with a wheel chair
wandered aimlessly about the airport
wrote this list
attempted to do some sketches
read a bit of great expectations
stared off into space
wished i had decided on bring my ukulele as a carry on
watched a lady clean the escalator
-'If i close my eyes you sound like matt damon!'- crazy lady to a brosif who was chatting up a girl
played the 'who in this area is going to san fransisco game'...the bus full of asian tourists? ahhhyup
and wished i had a buddy with me.....for things would have been a whole lot more entertaining....

oh i also wondered why one would want to get a tattoo of a dolphin on the extreme upper portion of ones backside....why would you want it to look like there is a dolphin jumping out of your bum?

and now i sit safely in san fransisco in my sisters apartment....now to shower and nap, cause ive been awake over 24hours now....and i feel really gross from traveling

27 June 2010

im not dead...

im just in utah.....

for one more week, then i go to san fransisco.... then back to P-Yay!

11 May 2010

Things I Dislike

Final Exams
Having To Get All Of Your Finals Finished Early
Leaving Family
Leaving Friends
Leaving Things Unsaid

Saying Goodbye.

25 April 2010


Often times its as simple as a cherry blossom in a brown glass bottle

22 April 2010

This Spring/Summer I Want To:

Master the Accordion
Master the Ukulele
Build a Tee-Pee in my room,
Sleep in a Tee-Pee
Go to a Pow-Wow
Be Loved
Be Missed
Miss Someone
Punch a Seagull
Write A To Do List and Finish It All In One Day
Dance In the Rain
Kiss in the Rain
Have A Legit Picnic
Get Rid of my Stage Fright
Get a Tattoo
Watch the Sun Rise and Set
Feed the Birds
Be The Birds
Have An All Day Flea Market and Thrift Store Adventure
Be Adorable Any Chance I Get
Wear Converse With my Skirts and Dresses
Wear More Skirts and Dresses
Climb Trees
Play the Ukulele in the Trees
Say How I Feel When I Feel It
Go To The Aquarium
Go To The Zoo
Shave my Head
Eat An Ice Cream Cone On the Roof Of A Car Under The Stars
Puddle Jumping Extravaganza
Water Balloon Fight
Take As Many Pictures as I can
Eat Froot Loops with a Toucan...he doesn't need to be named Sam, But it would be an added Bonus
Wear Red Lipstick as often as I can
Wear Flowers In My Hair
Build a Massive Bon Fire Using One Match
Bake Cookies Whenever I Can
Draw More
Paint More
Doodle More
Dream More
Write More
Cuddle More
Love More
Dye my Hair an Unusual Colour
Learn To Parallel Park
Get My Drivers License
Stop Holding Myself Back
Let Me Be Me
Buy A Guitar
Learn How To Play Aforementioned Guitar
Pet Baby Ducks
Turn My Basement into A Ball Pit
Nap In a Field Full of Wild Flowers
Stay Motivated
Stay Positive
Watch The Clouds Float By
Find Shapes in the Clouds
Get as Many Bolo Ties as I can
Wear Cowboy Boots
Learn to Play The Banjo
Fire a Gun
Make a Soundtrack For The Summer
Be Confident
Go To A Carnival
Hold Hands at Said Carnival
Go To As Many Concerts As I Can
Obtain and Wear a Bowler Hat As Often As I Can
Tiptoe Thru The Tulips

Be Me

19 April 2010

The Dramatic Imagination...

There is a gleam and a moving of rich stuffs and shapess and above all a countenance-is it a mask?- topped buy high jeweled headdress and bent down ever and again to catch the lights from below. We have a sense of a thing all golden, a guilded galleon riding on the waves. Golden, carved, overlaid, crusted with gold on dark gold, so heavy it can move only with a gliding step, a slow, measured approach. The billowing folds of the stiff brocaded Oriental silks make a whispering sound like the sound of waves breaking on the shore. There is a ripping of light and a soft rustling and a foam of lace on the purfled sleeves and sheen of gems over all, a mirage sapphires and moonstones and aquamarines and drops of crystal. Great triple ruffs float upon the air, veils -"slow-dropping veils of thinnest lawn"- droop and fall with the stately dippings and fillings and careenings over the smooth floor of the sea. We see it for an instant, plain and clear.

Now it has vanished.
We Saw It.
And now we must make it.

-The Dramatic Imagination by Robert Edmond Jones

15 April 2010

Thrift Score

a set of three vintage pyrex bowls in the pattern named 'Town and Country' from 1963....
though i think i may be missing the smallest bowl from the set....who knows i may find it someday

for a grand total of $8


13 April 2010

Falling into Place

Things are starting to...

07 April 2010


happy berfday to me!

04 April 2010

01 April 2010

Hello April

You will certainly be the most ridiculous month of my life...

and i am excited

28 March 2010

Ballgown part deux

I've realized that in making my second ballgown, that I neglected to blog about it, unlike last years which got a few blogs....

So this year....This years ballgown is an 1870's Era (the early bustle period), it began with research like usual...and ended up being inspired by the blue gown that Claudia wears in "Interview With The Vampire"


it doesnt show the colour all that well... but I knew I wanted rusching, neckline detail and blue.....

so I did a sketch...and got to looking for fabric....and as things go..I couldnt find any fabric in the colour that I wanted....so i ended up buying a dark teally blue iridescent taffeta that I fell in love with( I had originally wanted to stay away from teal...but I love it and it looks real good with red hair) and as an accent colour I got a taupe-y brassy shot with black taffeta....for the neckline decoration I got a selection of beaded appliques. Again as with any design project, I did a complete redesign before I started construction, because I got inspired by an antique family photo album inherited from my Great Grandmother(i'll scan in the photos in question another day....I promise)

It took about three weeks of work, for several hours aday, but I was still sewing the day of the Ball and finished it litterally about an hour before the Ball, because I am just that awesome.... needless to say all of the work paid off because I got a whole lot of compliments, and according to my professor it was the most popular dress there(not to sound to conceded here)

But anyway enough of my babbling and onward to the pictures:

26 March 2010

New Favorite Thing

Bolo Ties....

Definitionly speaking a Bolo tie is a type of necktie consisting of a piece of cord or braided leather with decorative metal tips or aglets secured with an ornamental clasp or slide.

often times you see them worn like this:
image source

but i like to wear them as such

(this is todays outfit)

recently i scored three at goodwill, and now am looking to expand my collection

24 March 2010

Happy To See You!

Thats what I like to call my little family of cartoon characters, that I doodle, paint, stencil and make into pins....Finally...after being prodded and pleaded to make an Etsy shop to sell my little friends...Ive done just that....I am still working on it....figuring out pricing and transaction stuff... but I've started making stock...so far its just a few little paintings...soon I'll put up some pins...and maybe a stenciled shirt or two...We'll see how it goes....

but heres a wee sampling of the paintings that I have so far
'Hello' 'Tip Toeing Thru The Tulips

click here to go to my shop!

but yeah....aren't those wee canvases the cutest? Im gonna have a hard time letting them go...but alas hopefully they will go to a new and loving home

19 March 2010

farmers market

be still my berks county heart

look at the tilt of that 'o'....look at it!

nothing better than bulk candy bins

more produce stands than you can shake a stick at!

sweet and juicy?
you bet

...and this thing!

im gonna try to get better at this whole 'go on adventures and blog about it with pictures thing'
so the first one will be rough of course.....but better ones to come, i hope

18 March 2010

i love

when i have my window open and i can hear the train...

ahhh spring...how you lift my spirits

23 February 2010

Moustache envy

I have it....

so im trying to write a song about it

11 February 2010


you sir are one of my greatest inspirations, i can only hope to one day be as talented as you. please rest easy knowing you've made such an impact on the world of fashion and my creative mind.

09 February 2010

its been

its been one year since the best thing in my life happened....

happy one year uku-versary ukulele, and heres to many more happy years to come!!

07 February 2010


why must you be so busy?


24 January 2010

feeling awkward

in the place that you live, when you amongst the 3 single people that live there and everyone else has their significant other there......

I'm really good at it...

maybe even to good.

07 January 2010

Things I love....

1. Bento Boxes

These are a few of my favorites that I found on Amazon

Not only are the boxes themselves beautiful and adorable...but the people put in them is beautiful and adorable

which brings me to my second thing

2. Food Blogs.

not gonna lie...I loves me some food! If I could I would eat all of the time (oh wait...you mean I dont do that already?! haha) some of my favorites include

cake maker to the stars

to name a few...and honestly Im sure I forgot some, but there is just something about food being displayed and photographed so beautifully that I love reading them. Im a sucker for beautiful photography!

3. Cute blogs in general

I just discovered Elsie Cake's blog a beautiful mess it really is beautiful

and my oldest sister Lizzy recently started a blog, theres not much to it yet, but we McG's have interesting things to say, and if you like what I say, you should enjoy what she says.

4. Tea and Tea related things
I drink what could be considered and unhealthy amount of tea(is there even such a thing??) that my friend Spencer always make fun of me when I put the kettle on.

5. Owls and Owl paraphernalia
Whats not to love about owls? They are adorable, and for goodness sakes a group of them is called a Parliament....COME ON PEOPLE!!!! Im working on building my own Parliamnet of owls, I scored this awesome cookie jar at Goodwill in October....

as well as what I am assuming was a planter at one point, and the little brass guy at various points in my Thrifting career.

6. The Ukulele....of Course!
this is mine! Being used as a Moustache!

7. Moustaches... They are just awesome and they make me giggle
I mean look at that facial foliage! Its breath taking!!

8. Vintage Pyrex
One of my roommates has some (I suspect that its Chris) and I am sorely tempted to buy it from him

9. Religious Artwork

I've addressed this matter before, I like the artwork, just not the religion, I am working on amassing a collection, this is what I have so far
I have a few more Marys, but they are at home. My favorites are the picture in the background and the Mary and Jesus on the right

10. Gold Fish

I designed costumes for a play in the fall semester that featured a goldfish, so I got a bit obsessed you could say. I have had a few in the past year, right now I've got Leonard, who is featured in the above photos....

and thats all because I have to go shower and get read to do stuff....

Goodness this was taxing!