These are a few of my favorites that I found on Amazon
Not only are the boxes themselves beautiful and adorable...but the people put in them is beautiful and adorable

which brings me to my second thing
2. Food Blogs.
not gonna lie...I loves me some food! If I could I would eat all of the time (oh wait...you mean I dont do that already?! haha) some of my favorites include
cake maker to the stars
to name a few...and honestly Im sure I forgot some, but there is just something about food being displayed and photographed so beautifully that I love reading them. Im a sucker for beautiful photography!
3. Cute blogs in general
I just discovered Elsie Cake's blog a beautiful mess it really is beautiful
and my oldest sister Lizzy recently started a blog, theres not much to it yet, but we McG's have interesting things to say, and if you like what I say, you should enjoy what she says.
4. Tea and Tea related things
I drink what could be considered and unhealthy amount of tea(is there even such a thing??) that my friend Spencer always make fun of me when I put the kettle on.
5. Owls and Owl paraphernalia
Whats not to love about owls? They are adorable, and for goodness sakes a group of them is called a Parliament....COME ON PEOPLE!!!! Im working on building my own Parliamnet of owls, I scored this awesome cookie jar at Goodwill in October....
6. The Ukulele....of Course!
this is mine! Being used as a Moustache!

7. Moustaches... They are just awesome and they make me giggle

8. Vintage Pyrex
One of my roommates has some (I suspect that its Chris) and I am sorely tempted to buy it from him

9. Religious Artwork
I've addressed this matter before, I like the artwork, just not the religion, I am working on amassing a collection, this is what I have so far
10. Gold Fish
I designed costumes for a play in the fall semester that featured a goldfish, so I got a bit obsessed you could say. I have had a few in the past year, right now I've got Leonard, who is featured in the above photos....
and thats all because I have to go shower and get read to do stuff....
Goodness this was taxing!
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