20 December 2009


I am currently dreaming of the day where i can colour code my books in rainbow order

inspiration taken from

check it out.....

19 December 2009

bad blogger

i am one....im sorry

09 October 2009


is what ive been doing to this blog....

well lets play catch up shall we??

i've been with out home based internet for about a month or so now, so im currently in the computer lab on my uni's campus...

i designed my first play(costumes) all by myself, it was a thirty-one member cast, and an orginal play to boot....WIN!

i went to a 'red carpet' exhibit opening at the muesum, for a costume exhibit that i helped with a bit....

ummm i spent alot of this morning elbow(ok well it was actually more like wrist) deep in algenate and plaster doing life casts of actors for the upcoming play.....

i've messed up my ankle again due to my inablities in walking down stairs....

umm actually nothing to terribly interesting......

09 September 2009


i like days like this a whole lot...

as well as tomato soup, and getting to handle and be around dresses that are worth more than my life....

what i dont like is shoes with holes in the soles that make my feet soggy

02 September 2009

look a post!

Hey look....im blogging....again!


so um yeah. camp has come and gone yet again.... to fast for my liking...

the ukulele playing is progressing, i played along with two guitars for the thursday night campfires every week... ummm

back at school.... moved in to the house that im living in with some friends...as of the moment all of those friends are all male.... there will be another girl moving in when she gets back from her internship...in january...shes the one that owns the house.

umm yeah this semester is looking really really awesome! lots of neat stuff to keep you updated on! i promise...if not i give you full licesnce to hunt me down and kick me about the knees, shins and ankles!

30 May 2009


is kind of boring when you haven't anything to do...

sure i could be unpacking from school and packing for the house for next year, or for camp..... cleaning my room, vacuuming the house for me mum... or a plethora of other things...but...i dont want to do any of those things.... curse my lazy bones.... but seriously these two weeks between the time that school ends and camp starts is pretty much my summer.... the rest of the summer will be spent as it has been for the last six years, in the glorious outdoors of Pine Grove, at the camp that i love...sigh...this will be my last summer there for a bit...as next year i may be in Utah for an internship...which reminds me..i havent been doing nearly as much sewing as i would like to be doing...i fear that i burnt myself out with that ballgown... but come on....im a costume design student...get off your ass and sew something dammnit!

have have sketched a few designs, one that i would love to see actualized...eventually...

i watched a bit of the newest verison of 'Pride and Predjuice' which really got me wanting to make a Regency Era gown and underpinnings...and of course find/kidnap/marry Matthew Mcafayden...nom.....

22 May 2009


i am done with college HEYHEYHEY

well its only sophomore year...but thats ok

20 May 2009



go here and enter her contest!

shes awesome!

you might win some really nice stuff from Pevonia Botanica!!!

*no bunnies were harmed in the promotion of this contest

18 May 2009

oh dear

my poor blog you have been neglected in these past weeks... my apologies... i have been busy.

I co designed the Domino Players production of 'The Laramie Project'

Helped with a fashion show

found out some very exciting news...to be disclosed at a later date...

got inducted into the previously mentioned Domino Players

made good progress on my ukulele playing

became a renter of a house(one of about 7 renters)

am helping fix up said house

and so on.... its currently finals week..... and i am procrastinating... like a good college student...the two finals that i am most worried about are at the end of the week.... urgh....

23 April 2009

oh meredith

Nuzzelmytofu (3:35:28 PM): meet wade johnston
Rararooney (3:36:23 PM): omg.
Rararooney (3:36:27 PM): he is ADORABLE
Nuzzelmytofu (3:36:32 PM): I KNOOOOOOWWWW
Nuzzelmytofu (3:36:49 PM): i love him.....and i feel creepy about it...
Rararooney (3:36:51 PM): please have amazing adorable ukelele sex with him
Rararooney (3:36:57 PM): why creepy?

07 April 2009


i have one...today.... and i wrote a song... inspired by Hank Green of the Vlogbrothers

the day that you died was a good day, some special people wished you on your way,

goodbye nineteen year old Kate, today is your birthday since you decided to show up two weeks late. You did some things that were pretty great, but lets forget about that pin you ate.

you decided what you want with your life, even if that ballgown caused you some strife

ooh goodbye nineteen year old Kate, today is your birthday since you decided to show up two weeks late

you watched some campers go from campers to staff, and your summer was filled with things that make you stop and laugh

ooh goodbye nineteen year old Kate, today is your birthday since you decided to show up two weeks late

but now you are two decades old, there are somethings that just can't be controlled so goodbye nineteen year old Kate, today is your birthday, since you decided to show up two weeks late

way to go your twenty years old....holy crap im twenty years old...

its not very good...and i attempted to put it to music... but i kind of sucked at that....

30 March 2009

daily booth

i has one?


great success!

i finally added up my expenses for my ball gown...

$69.21 (thats all the fabric and trims,excluding thread and the hoopskirt...cause forget how much that was)


27 March 2009

book list update

8. The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Undead- Max Brooks 26. Feb- 2 March

9. Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavars- Mary Roach 13. March- 26.March 294 pages

ummm yeah so I havent really posted a really real update in awhile for which I apologize. Hmm lets see....making some progress on the ukulele, there was a point where I was very fed up with it over spring break, but I got past that and we are becoming friends again

the parentals got me a new phone at the beginning of the month...pretty awesome LG shine I like it.

ummm Laramie is coming along, actors finally should be coming in for measurments so we can start pulling stuff

not going to Utah this summer... but most likely next summer till like novemeber...redonk!

Im getting really really excited for this summer! Cannot wait for camp to start! ugh just want school to be over now so camp can start!

i finally got my drivers permit... woot! so i should be mobile by the summer, which is good cause Garp isnt here to carpool with anymore...damn her being in Chile....

Im really grasping at straws here....

Im going to a Ball in Harrisburg tomorrow.... that should be interesting, will take pictures and will post them.

and thats all I have really...

good bye

19 March 2009

spring break


09 March 2009



glob or is it glod..........

consider this a blog.....

02 March 2009

just a reminder

that slamming a drawer shut on the tip of your little finger(about the middle of the nail) hurts like hell....

so don't do it....

26 February 2009

i am

no longer as happy as i could or should be...

16 February 2009

50 books by

January 31st 2009?

heck yes... ive started a list in my note book... but will keep you updated

1. An Abundance of Kathrines- John Green 3rd jan.- 4th jan 227 pages

2. Sabriel- Garth Nix 1oth jan.- 15th jan. 491 pages

3. Lirael- Garth Nix 16th jan- 20th jan. 785 pages

4. Abhorsen- Garth Nix 21st jan- 26th jan- 578 pages

5. Frankenstein- Mary Shelly 27th jan- 5th feb 170 pages

6. The Laramie Project- Moises Kaufman 9th feb-10th feb 101 pages(first of multiple readings, only to appear on this list once though)

7. Ten Great Mysteries- Edgar Allen Poe 12th feb-

i got the idea from the vlogbrothers website....

nerdfighters FTW!!

12 February 2009

so long....

Winston ChurchGill you were pretty awesome, even for a goldfish

09 February 2009

05 February 2009

this is how...

i feel currently

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals


04 February 2009

i wish

i could be friends with all of the youtube ukulele players... they look like fun...

my uke still isnt here yet.... neither is my textiles swatch book... but when i lasted checked it was in reading.... its just not in my mailbox...gorramn it....

02 February 2009


so today i figured out how to do a little bit of stop motion animation on my computer today... i did this in imovieHD but cant for the life of me import the whole thing into my other version of imovie... it only transfers about three frames... grrr but here is what i did today in a fit of boredom

there will be one later in the week with a special guest...when said guest arrives

30 January 2009


is today!

just ordered my uke and it should be here with in the week!!! omfg so excited!!!!!!

its a kala makala standard(soprano)

and uber cute!
i cant wait!

29 January 2009

ugh what to do?

summer camp for year number 6


go to Utah and work at the Shakespearean festival there.....

i haven't a clue....

23 January 2009

freaking people out....

im getting good at it

19 January 2009

happy birthday to....

Mr. Edgar Allen Poe! You may have married your 13 year old cousin, were a heavy drinker and may have died of the following, delirium tremens, heart disease, epilepsy, syphilis, meningeal inflammation, cholera, or even rabies....

but i like you, so happy birthday to you

15 January 2009

14 January 2009


i look like ive been attacked by a pack of grey fuzzy kittens....

roll hemming about 8 yards of fabric to make a ruffle= not fun at all

but i keep telling myself its going to be well worth the effort..... and it will be!

13 January 2009


when did this happen?!?

its tuesday....on the second week...and im this far!

well... i have been living in the shop a bit....

but seriously im like...me!?? i made this?! WUT!?!?!

im so excited.... and now im gonna go pass out

08 January 2009

its approaching!

what? you ask


whats that? you ask

the day i order my ukulele

why? you ask

because im bored out of my skull and need something to occupy the time im not working on my ballgown.....

06 January 2009

oh herro

mr goblin king sir

may i ask how your package is today?

haha.... mmyes labyrinth how i love you!

oh...and sizing up patterns= full of suck

05 January 2009

DO WANT!!!!!!


and naturally i would need a uke to play with the picks

anyone?anyone? i would love you forever...fine....

im thinking that after i get everything for my ballgown together and paid for, and a job, that it will be uke time.... i hope

03 January 2009


i have rediscovered sailor moon... i used to watch it in middle school(shit im making myself sound old! im only 19....well im gonna be 20...ugh when did this happen??)

so far ive watched the whole first season and have started the second...hooray for youtube... speaking of which i have a youtube account... check it out if you wish... its not to exciting, just me talking about stuff... but when im able to get a new camera(well either a new digital camera, or a video camera) there may just me more than me talking about myself...

um thats about all really..i go back to school for interim in two days, stoked about that...

now back to watching sailor moon!

oh yeah... happy new year and stuff