30 January 2009


is today!

just ordered my uke and it should be here with in the week!!! omfg so excited!!!!!!

its a kala makala standard(soprano)

and uber cute!
i cant wait!

29 January 2009

ugh what to do?

summer camp for year number 6


go to Utah and work at the Shakespearean festival there.....

i haven't a clue....

23 January 2009

freaking people out....

im getting good at it

19 January 2009

happy birthday to....

Mr. Edgar Allen Poe! You may have married your 13 year old cousin, were a heavy drinker and may have died of the following, delirium tremens, heart disease, epilepsy, syphilis, meningeal inflammation, cholera, or even rabies....

but i like you, so happy birthday to you

15 January 2009

14 January 2009


i look like ive been attacked by a pack of grey fuzzy kittens....

roll hemming about 8 yards of fabric to make a ruffle= not fun at all

but i keep telling myself its going to be well worth the effort..... and it will be!

13 January 2009


when did this happen?!?

its tuesday....on the second week...and im this far!

well... i have been living in the shop a bit....

but seriously im like...me!?? i made this?! WUT!?!?!

im so excited.... and now im gonna go pass out

08 January 2009

its approaching!

what? you ask


whats that? you ask

the day i order my ukulele

why? you ask

because im bored out of my skull and need something to occupy the time im not working on my ballgown.....

06 January 2009

oh herro

mr goblin king sir

may i ask how your package is today?

haha.... mmyes labyrinth how i love you!

oh...and sizing up patterns= full of suck

05 January 2009

DO WANT!!!!!!


and naturally i would need a uke to play with the picks

anyone?anyone? i would love you forever...fine....

im thinking that after i get everything for my ballgown together and paid for, and a job, that it will be uke time.... i hope

03 January 2009


i have rediscovered sailor moon... i used to watch it in middle school(shit im making myself sound old! im only 19....well im gonna be 20...ugh when did this happen??)

so far ive watched the whole first season and have started the second...hooray for youtube... speaking of which i have a youtube account... check it out if you wish... its not to exciting, just me talking about stuff... but when im able to get a new camera(well either a new digital camera, or a video camera) there may just me more than me talking about myself...

um thats about all really..i go back to school for interim in two days, stoked about that...

now back to watching sailor moon!

oh yeah... happy new year and stuff